Insurance Services
independent and experienced
"I don't want to tell you how much insurance I have with the Prudential, but all I can say is: when I go, they go too."
—Jack Benny
For legal services, we focus our attention on estate and elder law matters. The best plan is to have a plan, anticipating possible problems that might come up. We help you focus your attention on critical issues such as the following:
When we talk about investing, family and locally owned Vested Partners A Multi-Family Office spends a great deal of time discussing risk:
- Market risk
- Systemic risk
- Interest rate risk
- Reinvestment risk
It’s our job to bring up this difficult topic, to analyze and quantify these risks, and to propose reasonable, efficient solutions for managing them. While Jack Benny may have been “insurance poor,” we want to make sure that our clients are sufficiently — but not excessively — covered.